Acne Treatment Reviews...

thanks to each of you for sharing your story. xoxo

Katherine Nunst - Chico, Ca.

Tatja is very knowledgeable and has a very peaceful presence. She helped me understand the cause of my acne and how to prevent it. I started getting bad breakouts in college and have been dealing with them most of my adult life. I'm so glad I finally made the decision to get professional help because my skin has completely transformed. I should have done this a long time ago!


Amy Elsenbaumer - Chico, Ca.

I am forever grateful for my experience at 916SKIN. Tatja is the sweetest woman. Thanks to her, I have gone from constant breakouts to daily compliments on my glowing complexion. She developed a protocol for my type of acne and supplied products that finally helped me overcome my acne. I have struggled with major acne since I was 15 years old, and this is the first time I can truly say, I feel amazing about my skin. Prior to 916SKIN, I had been on Proactive, Curology, nutritional supplements, and even Accutane. Nothing has worked for me like Tatja’s treatments and products. I will always support her business. Her acne program changed my life completely and taught me how to take care of my skin on a daily basis. Thank you Tatja, I appreciate you so much!


Austin Alvarez – Chico, Ca

I have been going to 916SKIN for over a year and have seen a huge difference in my skin. When I first came to Tatja, I was a disaster. I had red acne patches all over my face. She greeted me warmly and made me feel really comfortable. As we went over my skin plan, Tatja also helped me understand the importance of nutrition and gave me a lot of dietary tips to help get rid of my acne. She does amazing work and got my skin cleared up in 4 months. Now, I go monthly for maintenance treatments and to have her make changes to my skincare routine if I need them. Thank you 916SKIN!

Yo estoy yendo a 916SKIN por mas de un año y estoy viendo una gran diferencia en mi piel. Al comienzo cuando llegue con Tatja era un desastre, tenía manchas rojas del acné por toda la cara. Ella me recibió amablemente y me hizo sentir muy cómodo mientras me decía el plan para mi piel, Tatja también me ayudo a entender la importancia de mi nutrición y me dio muchos consejos alimenticios para mejorar mi acné . Ella con su trabajo sorprendente hizo que mi cara quedará libre de acné en cuatro meses. Ahora yo voy cada mes para mantener mi piel tersa y para que ella da si necesito cambiar mi tratamiento o mi rutina. Muchas gracias 916SKIN. Los mejores deseos.


Shelby Meyer - Chico, CA

I am one of the people who had pretty clear skin until I hit my twenties and really started to break out on my face, back, and shoulders. I spent countless amounts of money trying different acne lines only to find that they never worked for me, even after sticking to them consistently for months. One night (when I was desperately searching for something to do about my skin) I stumbled across Tatja Renee’s 916 Skin website and decided to give it a try. She had amazing reviews and lots of testimonials from very satisfied clients. I am so glad I decide to go to Tatja. She is incredible for many different reasons. First of all, her approach actually works. Your skincare is individualized to you specifically and Tatja is always there to answer any questions. Second, Tatja is also a nutritionist, so she has helped me to eat healthier and identify different foods that spike my acne. She also recommends different vitamins and supplements. I have learned so much from Tatja! For the first time in my adult life I don’t feel the need to wear makeup which is saving me time and money. My confidence is higher than it has been in a long time. If you are looking for something that will FINALLY, actually clear your skin then look no further. 916 Skin is the answer! As long as you are consistent and willing to put in the work, I have full faith in Tatja and her magic. Thank you Tatja for changing my life!

P.S. This picture was taking the day before starting a new school year (I am a teacher). Normally, I have lots of stress breakouts but my face is miraculously still clear!


Kerrigan Bull - Chico, CA

I found out about 916SKIN about 6 months ago and now my skin is looking better than ever! I felt as if I had tried just about everything for my skin and nothing was working. Then, I met Tatja at 916 and she has me looking and feeling confident in my skin again! I’m so thankful that a friend referred me to this place!


Leticia Alvarez - Chico, CA

I got acne around 6th grade and it got progressively worse through middle school, so the summer of my 8th grade year, I began to see a dermatologist in Chico. She was nice and professional, but she never really got into detail about what her plan was for me. She would see me for about 10 minutes and then decide if the product I was using was working or not so she could give me something else. I tried all sorts of prescription creams and antibiotics, but nothing helped. My skin got even worse and I eventually stopped going because I had spent 4 years spending money on products that didn’t work.

Then I started seeing an acne specialist. At the very first consultation I had with her, Tatja set up a plan for me. She told me what my daily routine would be, her future plans for me, and that she could have me cleared up in 5 months. After only 3 treatments, I had dramatic results. I no longer got huge pimples, my acne scar pigmentation decreased and by the third month I was basically clear! I’m on my 7th month and hardly ever break out. My acne scars used to be dark purple, but now you can barely see them. I feel so much more comfortable in my skin. I love that my routine and treatments not only help with my acne, but it’s improved the overall texture of my skin. I look less oily and more glow-y and my pores look smaller. Tatja has worked wonders with me and I couldn’t be happier!


Stacy Yang - Chico, CA

I've been struggling with acne since high school and have spent hundreds of dollars on acne care products every year without improvement. It finally got better when I met Tatja at 916SKIN. It only took a few months to get clear skin. She helped me regain my confidence. And now, I'm much more comfortable going out without makeup and my skin is clearer than I can ever remember. Tatja at 916SKIN can definitely change your life... like she did mine.


Sherry Yam - Chico, CA

I had struggled with acne problems since I was a teenager. I thought my acne problem would go away when my teenage years passed as my friends and family always told me. However, I still struggled with the problem as an adult even though I had tried different methods and had seen different estheticians. My breakouts never stopped until I found Tatja at 916SKIN a year ago. I could see the immediate result with my acne every time I got my treatment and gradually with my scarring with the help of the products she recommends.


Hunter Stiglitz – Chico, CA

I started getting acne on my face about 8 years ago. I was continually frustrated & feeling uncomfortable in my own skin day after day. I tried countless products and methods, spending heaps of money trying to get rid of my acne. After years of getting nowhere, I discovered Tatja at 916SKIN and finally had a glimmer of hope. Tatja offers a warm, friendly, professional environment, and takes the time to get to know you, personally. Now that my face is completely clear, and staying clear, I have new found confidence and self-esteem to enjoy my adulthood. I used to spend 40 minutes doing my makeup every morning, still needing to touch it up as the day went on. Now, I don’t wear any makeup and I’m living the fresh, fun, carefree life I’ve always wanted. I grateful that Tatja has helped me to live my best life acne-free and happy as can be!


Yvette Zúñiga - Corning, CA

916SKIN has improved my life! It has been my self-care for the last 3 years. As a young person I had some acne, but not excessive, so it was never a huge concern for me. Once I got into my late 20's and early 30's I started experiencing adult acne and it started to take over my life. I had to wear make up every day because of the condition of my skin. I started treatment with Tatja at 916SKIN, and within a few months my skin cleared. I can go without make up now and I'm not as self-conscious. I was also directed to use better products when I do wear makeup, I now feel good about taking care of myself. I highly recommend 916SKIN if you have acne. You too will experience better skin.


Hannah Otooley - Chico, CA

I absolutely LOVE Tatja! She worked wonders on my skin! I've tried everything from A-Z and 916SKIN was my answer! My acne has completely cleared-up and my skin is radiant! Her products do wonders and it’s amazing to finally have a set routine instead of trying to guess as I go! I highly recommend 916 to anyone with acne prone skin - it will change your life! I am a confident woman now because of Tatja!


Claudia Cassis – Chico, CA

I was able to clear up my inflamed acne over my time with 916SKIN. I came to the clinic having tried everything from home remedies, acne diets, Accutane, etc. When I came to the clinic, I was skeptical of it just being a routine, but doing acne treatments and using these great products, WORKED! I am so happy I went to 916 during my schooling. Tatja was the best!


Ciara Babcock – Chico, CA

I've struggled with acne for quite some time. Once I started going to 916SKIN, my skin improved dramatically! I've been doing the program for about 2 years and really enjoy the acne facial. My skin is so much softer & healthier. Tatja does a great job of customizing a treatment plan that works for you! If you struggle with acne, she is the lady to see!


Ariel Kittredge – Chico, CA

I’ve had acne for a long time, beginning sometime in my teens, and it got increasingly worse in my early 20s. I have been on Pro Active, dermatologist prescribed medications, acne facials and peels regularly, while also trying other expensive skin care lines like Jan Marini, and saw multiple estheticians throughout this time. When I moved away from home, I was tired of breaking out, and was lucky enough to have found an excellent skin care specialist in Chico. Tatja evaluates your diet and creates a skin care regimen custom to your skin. I love that she talked about healthy meals for my skin and body. I had no idea peanuts where a no go! I only saw her for a year, but after seeing her regularly, have been clear of breakouts. Now, I rarely get a large break out, and when I do, Tatja taught me how to get rid of it quickly - thank you! The products work, and I know I’m going to stick with this skin care line for a long time, if not forever.


Dani Collins – Chico, CA

I am so thankful for 916SKIN. Acne runs in my family, so I started going to her in August of 2015 after I heard rave reviews from my sister. Tatja chooses the best products for your acne and skin type, which works wonders. I started seeing amazing results after about two months. It's crazy to see how bad my acne was before, and how it is basically non-existent now. Going to her has given me a huge boost in confidence, to the point where I haven't worn makeup since Halloween 2015! I used to not even leave the house without putting makeup on because I was so embarrassed of my skin. I tried multiple different acne treatments, which none of them worked. I am so glad that I started coming to her, it has made me an all around happier person. Thank you so much, Tatja!


Selena Silva – Chico, CA

I’ve been struggling with acne since high school. I had super oily skin with a bunch of congested bumps on my forehead and painful under-the-skin pimples on my face. Before I started getting acne, I was super outgoing and talkative, but acne really messes with your self-esteem. I began to get so self-conscious and insecure that I couldn’t even look people in the eye when talking to them. I would dread going to social events where I felt judged. If you knew me, you’d know I would never miss a day of school even if I felt a little sick. But one morning I took a look in the mirror and thought, “nope, I’m not going to school with my face looking like this". So I told my parents I didn’t feel good! I spent a bunch of money on makeup to try and conceal everything, but you cannot hide texture, and the bumps were still very visible sometimes even more accentuated. Then, I began spending a lot of money on skincare products. I’ve also tried a lot of silly home remedies that did nothing. I wish I had gone to 916SKIN before wasting money on products that didn’t work! I always thought my acne was just stubborn and that nothing would get me clear, but Tatja proved me wrong! I was ready to commit to her skincare program. I’ve never met a more down to earth person. I can laugh and talk with her about anything, and I always look forward to seeing her.

Nothing happens over night, but give it 3 months and you’ll be so impressed with the changes and improvements of your skin you’ll hardly recognize it! I don’t remember the last time I was this happy and confident with myself! Her acne program not only cleared up my face, but has boosted my confidence. I can’t thank her enough! The moment I knew my skin was improving was when my mom looked at me and asked me if I had makeup on because she thought my skin looked so ‘flawless'! From that day on, I could go out without wearing makeup and without feeling like hiding my face. If you are committed and determined to have beautiful clear skin, 916SKIN is waiting for you!! It was the best investment I’ve ever made for my skin.


Sally Irwin – Haiku, Maui

My son had been battling acne starting at around age 15. We had tried everything we could that was over the counter and had spent about a year with a dermatologist trying antibiotics and prescription strength topical treatments. As a Geneticist and professor of Microbiology I was very concerned about the use of antibiotics to treat his acne and so decided to take him off those (although they were improving his skin at the time). We went on to try several other over the counter and prescribed topicals but his acne just got worse! When I was visiting him at college I saw an ad for 916SKIN Acne Treatment Center. I was skeptical but hopeful after talking to Tatja and reading everything on the website. My son started treatment and within about a month we started seeing some improvement. I think within 3 months the improvement was significant and just kept getting better. My son came home for Christmas and his skin was nearly perfect! I am completely convinced that the treatment offered at 916SKIN can cure anyone's acne problems if they follow Tatja's instructions well. My son has now had clear skin for over a year and even when he has been studying abroad but still using several of the products he received from 916SKIN and following some of the diet advice she gave him as well. This treatment requires a commitment from the person being treated - but it definitely works!


Lourdes Godinez – Sacramento, CA

Growing up, I never had bad acne. It wasn’t until my second year of college when I started to break out terribly. I remember buying so many different skincare products and nothing helped. For about two years, I just covered it with makeup as best that I could.

It was my senior year in college when I had enough. After seeing the before and after pictures on the 916SKIN website, I was set on checking the place out. During my consultation, I was nervous and doubtful that these acne treatments would work. Tatja saw that right away. She assured me that if I trusted her and stuck through the process, I would see results. Tatja is absolutely amazing at what she does! She is so gentle with your skin and talks to you about things that can be affecting your breakouts. She is always so willing to answer questions no matter what time of day it is, and I always enjoyed going in just to talk about anything with her. I honestly don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t found her because she made me feel so much more confident about my skin and about myself on my last year of college.

After graduation I moved away, but I still continue to buy her skincare products because they are AMAZING. I could never use anything else! Thank you Tatja for being so kind, helpful, and for saving my skin!


Alec Glende - Chico, CA

My acne was really severe and no dermatologists were able to help. Then I was referred to 916SKIN and it worked fast! I went from having severe cystic acne to being 100% clear. Thanks so much Tatja!


Kelsey Barnett - Chico, CA

I have been battling acne for about twelve years now. My first memories of junior high and high school include shying away from making new friends due to being self-conscious about my pimply skin. Starting in sixth grade, classmates would ask me “What’s that on your face?” “Why do you have so many pimples?” because it was such a new thing for kids that age. Once my pimples progressed to full blown acne my freshman year in high school, my father finally agreed to bring me to a dermatologist. I had already tried Proactiv, Neutrogena, Clinique, countless over-the-counter “solutions”. Nothing worked. I also knew I would never risk taking Acutane. I was put on oral birth control pills, given erythromycin as a topical agent, tried doxycycline and a few other oral antibiotics. None of it helped. There were days where I felt so awful and embarrassed about the condition of my skin that I’d refuse to go to school. I felt helpless. I found an acne clinic in the east bay area where I grew up and was able to get clear through a multitude of treatments. Once I stopped going, the at home regimen wasn’t successful at keeping me clear. I moved to Chico for college, remained semi-clear with the products from that location. By the age of 22, I was right back where I started. Deep cysts covered my cheeks and neck and around my mouth. My lymph nodes were swollen because my face was technically infected from all the acne. It was the most difficult thing to go through again and again. I could feel and see peoples’ eyes on my pimples during conversation. Here I was – a 22 year old college woman afraid to talk to new people because of my skin. I would avoid certain lighting that I knew my skin would look worse in, or position myself so as to place people on the not-so-bad side on my face at the moment, depending on where majority of my pimples were.

I was fed up, again.

I found Tatja on Google, and saw her website, 916SKIN, and jumped right on it. A short 6 months later and I was clear!!

I never worry about not having makeup on anymore. I feel so comfortable in my own skin now. I never thought my skin would be not only free of pimples, but also healthy and glowing. Finally! No more limiting my social interactions, no more painful, irritated, inflamed, skin. I feel forever grateful for Tatja and her talents as an acne specialist. I am able to be 100% myself 100% of the time. Trust what Tatja tells you about how to treat your skin. I haven’t been this satisfied in years. She is kind, gentle, understanding and won’t give up on you. What a wonderful woman, even outside of her profession. Come to 916SKIN and love yourself and your skin as much as you deserve to.


Kaitlin Tillet – Chico, CA

I've had acne since around middle school and always just assumed I was one of those people with bad skin. My acne continued to get worse as I got older and got to its worse state in my early to mid twenties. I had tried so many different acne products, even prescriptions from dermatologists and nothing worked. I finally found Tatja on Yelp and decided to give her method a try. I was a little skeptical at first because I felt like I would never have clear skin, but I stuck to the routine she developed for my skin. Within three months, just like she said, my skin started to clear up and has stayed clear. Now, I feel confident going out without makeup and my skin is softer than ever. Tatja is really phenomenal! She knows what she is doing and will get you feeling and looking your best!


Erica Bloxham – Chico, CA

I thought that since I didn't have a problem with acne as a teenager that I was one of the lucky ones.......boy was I wrong. After having my children, in my late twenties I started to breakout on my chin. For the next eight years I spent way too much money on over the counter and mail order treatments that didn't work. What I couldn't clear up I then spent money on to cover up with make-up. Towards the end of those eight years I would allow my acne to dictate who I would see on a particular day. My children then began to question why my face was always red and why I had so many "bumps"......I was crushed! In a fit of desperation, I googled acne treatment in Chico. I knew I didn't want to take medication and I was hoping there was some acne treatment out there for me that would work without being harsh on my skin. After reading several testimonials on the 916SKIN website I was hooked. I couldn't make my first appointment quick enough, and when Tatja called to make sure I was committed, I told her I would do anything at that point. My first appointment was in February and by mid March I was seeing definite improvement in the look and feel of my skin. By the three month mark my skin was clearer then I had seen it in 15 years. My skin has a natural red tone to it and my fear in the beginning was I would end up with less acne but a red face. I can say that at no point did I feel my skin was irritated or red. For the first time in my adult life my skin has a healthy glow to it. In the past, stress has been a huge trigger with my acne and I didn't think I would ever find anything that would keep me clear during those times. Through the past six months I put this program through the test with the loss of my brother, a five day stay in the hospital and my husband taking a new job in the Middle East. I have stayed clear the entire time! This acne program does take commitment, but if you stick with it, you will be amazed by the results. Tatja has given me back my confidence and I feel beautiful! Thank you Tatja!


Alex Kaiser - Chico, CA

My skin has been a source of anxiety and insecurity since my teenage years. I, like many other individuals, kept searching for a routine that would help keep my acne under control. However, I never found a combination of products that consistently worked for my skin type. My skin would fluctuate between too dry and too oily ultimately wreaking havoc on the status of my acne. When I reached the age of 23 I had enough. I began to look for dermatologists and skin care consultants who might help guide me to a better understanding of how to take care of my skin. I was most impressed by what I read on Tatja's website - 916SKIN. I especially appreciated the all-around approach of changing my skin care routine to include guidelines on environmental factors such as food and makeup that could aggravate my skin. I became even more impressed and excited when I met Tatja. She gave me hope that my skin could be controlled. The journey has been long, with ups and downs as my skin became accustomed to the products that Tatja introduced. But, with perseverance and carefully and consistently following the routine set up for my acne type, my skin is the healthiest it has ever been in my teenage or adult years. I highly recommend 916SKIN with Tatja's knowledgeable guidance.


Lorissa Cawood – La Grande, OR

I had acne since I was 12 and it seemed as I got older it got worse. I was resistant to taking dermatologist prescribed acne medications and harsh endocrine disrupting chemical serums, but I knew I needed to get a handle on my skin before it was too late to reverse the damage the acne had done to my skin. I knew Tatja before she started her acne clinic and trusted in her ability and knowledge of skin care. I was nervous about starting the program because I didn’t know if I would be able to follow the skin care steps and keep up appointments at the clinic, but Tatja made it all so easy. After 2 weeks, my skin felt and looked better. Within 3 months my skin had cleared up. I was so worried that I would have scars from my acne, but as I continue to follow the treatment plan that Tatja customized for me - my skin becomes softer, smoother, and healthier.


Lauren Crane – Chico, CA

I have been suffering from acne for almost a decade. I use the word suffer because although acne seems like an insignificant adolescent problem to some, I let it control my life. I was a victim to my acne, and I let my skin control who I would see and where I would go depending on the severity of my skin that given day. I remember I would come home from school and spend hours researching the new skin trends that all the celebrities were currently using. Even with all the never-ending products that I used, I just could not seem to get rid of my skin problems. When I came to college, the acne that I had in high school was different. I no longer had the “typical white-head acne” but now I had the stubborn, under the skin acne. Although it was definitely less noticeable to the naked eye, the bumps were getting progressively worse. The acne that I now had could not be covered by makeup. I went from one skin expert after another and nothing seemed to work. I actually gave up on my skin for about a year in college, in the hopes that it would just go away on its own. I was looking on yelp when I stumbled across 916SKIN. This website literally changed my life. When I had my first appointment with Tatja, she gave me a realistic expectation of how much time and products my skin truly needed. I definitely was apprehensive with committing to the program, but it ended up being the best decision that I could have made for my skin. Tatja held my hand through my entire skin transformation, and provided me the tools that gave me my confidence back. Thanks to 916SKIN, I am no longer a victim to my skin. I now have my power back, and am never turning back.


Makenna Twohig – Chico, CA

I have battled acne for years and am beyond thankful for Tatja at 916SKIN. This Acne Clinic is definitely the way to go if have battled for too long. I tried what felt like everything for my skin before finding 916. From popular acne treatments, over the counter acne products, essential oils, natural remedies, regular visits to an esthetician and even a dermatologist. Some products did work, don't get me wrong, but it was always short lived and never ever made my skin clear and vibrant like it is today.

My final straw was my best friend’s skin was a mess. It was so uncomfortable for me to take pictures, and say my speech in front of 100+ people. All I could think about was how ugly my skin looked. I finally did some research on 916SKIN and on Tatja, whom by the way is phenomenal, and will change your life. As long as you follow her instructions and stick to her regimen, your life, skin and confidence will change. She is very open, extremely easy to talk to, and most importantly, loves her job and cares about you and your skin. She's a magician if you ask me. In about 4 months I was completely clear, and can say in all honesty, I have never ever seen my skin so clear and radiant. To this day my skin is still changing and continues to get better and better as time passes. My journey with Tatja has been life changing and I am so happy I took a chance with 916SKIN!


Marc Collins – Roseville, CA

Tatja at 916SKIN has made a huge impact on the way I look and feel. As someone who suffered from severe cystic acne for 10 years, I can tell you that I’ve tried everything to rid myself of angst-inducing and painful pimples. In 10 years of desperately seeking for something that could help me regain my clear skin and confidence, I have never come across anything as effective as the acne treatment program from 916SKIN. Some of those other over-the-counter brand name products worked for me for a while, but never got me completely clear. The clearing power those other products did possess, began to lose their oomph the longer I continued to use them. Tatja has helped me make many changes to my diet. The results are clearly evidenced by the dietary changes and the formulas she had me use. My before and after pictures speak for themselves and reveal just how clear I was able to get by adhering to Tatja’s treatment plan. My bimonthly visits were worth every penny. I am ecstatic that after just a few months, I was as clear as someone who doesn’t get acne. Once I was all cleared up, I was able to maintain my clear skin with just 1 visit per month while sticking to my skincare protocol. I have been free of acne for over a year now, and only require the supplements and acne products to maintain my clear skin. If you’re tired of trying everything from useless and harmful dermatologist’s prescriptions, home remedies and well-known OTC products, go to 916SKIN.


Lindsay Burrows – Fairfield, CA

If you are battling acne then 916SKIN Acne Clinic is where you need to go!! My journey with acne has been a very long road which began when I was in middle school. Over the years I have tried pretty much ANYTHING that could potentially help my acne. I have tried over the counter products, specialized makeups, home care remedies, acne facials and extractions from established estheticians, have spent thousands of dollars on multiple different esthetic and medical grade skin care lines, oral and topical prescriptions from physicians, and I have undergone 3.5 courses of Accutane. Each of these treatments always started the same; I would be extremely excited that perhaps this was the cure I was looking for but every time I would become more disappointed and discouraged than the time before.

I remember in summer 2010 I was at my wits end. I was 24 years old and still battling acne. I was considering trying another course of Accutane at the time but then I came upon Tatja's website when I was researching acne. I read the ENTIRE website and knew immediately that I wanted to give her a shot. Boy am I glad that I did! From my very first appointment with Tatja I knew I was in good hands and I immediately placed more trust and hope in her than I had ever done with any other regime or skin care professional.

What makes Tatja sooo amazing is that she doesn't just promise results, she DELIVERS results. She provided me with a very structured regime which entailed both home care and clinic treatments. She provided me with sooo much education and looked over all of my current skin care and makeup products and was able to show me exactly which ingredients in these products was causing me to breakout.

I first started seeing Tatja in June 2010 and by October 2010 I was 85% clear and by Novemeber 2010 I was about 98% clear. Three years later and I am STILL using these products because the results are AMAZING and her products keep me clear. I moved out of the Chico area in summer 2012 but I still keep in touch with Tatja. Anytime I have a skincare question she is always available to answer my questions. Tatja really does go ABOVE AND BEYOND for her patients. I recommend Tatja to everyone that I know and I recommend her to you! If it is results you are looking for, then trust me, this will be the last place you ever look for answers!


Lilly Moghadam – San Dimas, CA

All I can say is everything was sooo so worth it! All it takes to get clear is sticking to the routines and patience!! With both of these you will get clear for sure! I have never invested in anything better than going to 916SKIN. I had the worst acne, and it just kept getting worse and worse. I felt insecure and just depressed about it. I wouldn't go out or do anything and I always wanted to hide. I have spent so much money between Wal-Mart, Target, Pro-active and online acne products. I even went to an esthetician and a dermatologist. Then I saw a doctor for acne laser treatments, and still, nothing worked. I literally have tried EVERYTHING! Every acne product or acne remedy I tried just made my skin worse. When I scheduled my acne consultation I was a little skeptical at first. But when I met with Tatja, I listened to everything she said, and I did exactly what she told me to do. I started all of her acne products and treatments, followed her nutrition plan and didn't miss a thing. My skin cleared up in about 3 months. I never thought I would get this clear. Even my acne scars are gone. My skin still continues to look better and better every day. I haven't had one pimple, and it feels so good to wake up and have clear soft skin!! My face is clear, bright, and looks amazing! I feel sooooo so happy now, confident, and social. Tatja is very caring, she doesn't only give you beautiful amazing skin, but she understands you. I would always tell her how having acne made me feel. I didn’t just get acne treatments, it’s like I got acne therapy too, which took care of my emotions throughout this whole process. She is amazing, and for the first time in my life I am getting compliments on my skin! I will never have to question what works or be uncomfortable with my skin ever again! I'm so happy! I can't even describe it. I am so glad I found 916SKIN! I will make sure I go here forever, and I will never touch anyone else’s acne products EVER AGAIN!


Ashley Veldstra – Escalon, CA

Twenty-one years old, one year left of college, and did I feel confident about my self-image yet? Truthfully, no I did not. Normally, a young girl in her teens starts to get acne due to her body changing but I wasn’t in that category so much. Occasionally, I would get break outs on my chin and forehead but nothing severe and then BAM! I hit 20 years old and was getting acne break outs left and right. I would think to myself; why is this happening all a sudden? Shouldn’t I be done with those awkward teen stages?

For two years I was using every acne product out there, either prescription acne medications or drug store bought products. I would consult my dermatologist back home and it was never an uplifting experience. My dermatologist wouldn’t explain anything and then sent me home with a prescription drug that I had no idea what it was supposed to do. Obeying his rules, I would take the pills and see minimal results. That would cheer me up a little, but once again my body was immune to them and they no longer served their purpose. Back and forth I went to the dermatologist and it was the same disappointing routine. That is, until I found 916Skin Acne & Wellness Clinic.

916Skin answered my long awaited prayers and I am truly blessed to have met Tatja, founder of 916Skin, who has changed my life. Thank you Tatja!! When I first walked into the clinic it wasn’t like a doctor’s office. It depicted a very warm and cozy environment in which I felt very welcomed. Upon meeting Tatja, we discussed my daily routine of past products and my medical history. The acne consultation was uplifting because she focused on my problems and tested my skin’s sensitivity level to determine what products would work well with my skin. From the very beginning, I could tell that she loved helping her patients and was very dedicated to her work. Every two weeks I would go into the clinic for treatments and extractions. Also, every appointment was like a consultation and we would discuss my routine, my eating habits, my lifestyle. From her, I have learned that one’s skin is always changing and that means your products will have to change as well. After 4 months I began seeing drastic results and was extremely happy. My skin was glowing, the inflammation and the redness was gone, and my skin felt like new. I was amazed!

I have been seeing Tatja for almost a year now and can still see remarkable results. The routine she puts you on seems hard at first, but eventually it becomes second nature. At this time, I have been seeing Tatja every 6 to 8 weeks for a check-up and not to mention, I love visiting with her! You will not be disappointed and will come to appreciate and love everything about her. I am so appreciative and blessed to have found such a great acne clinic.

Twenty-two years old, college graduation around the corner, and do I feel confident about my self-image now? ABSOLUTELY YES!! The heartwarming feeling one gets after a compliment about their skin is one of the best praises one can get, especially if you have experienced any type of acne. 916Skin is a miracle worker and I know first-hand that if you are having problems with your skin, Tatja is the best! Thank you 916Skin!


Brittany McMannus – Grass Valley, CA

916SKIN Acne Clinic has changed my life! Before starting treatments with Tatja I was so self conscious about my skin that I hid behind my hair and avoided eye contact with others. My nightly routine consisted of me washing my face and reapplying makeup before going to bed, in fear that my significant other would see my skin, only to wake up early to touch up my makeup before he was awake. I had tried every over the counter product, been to multiple dermatologists, and I even tried simply to just wash with soap and water, but none of these options helped my skin. The only results I got were side effects from oral acne medications, burned, cracked, irritated skin from topical creams, a large hole in my wallet, and more acne; not exactly the results I was looking for. So, when I was recommended to Tatja I was very skeptical that this one women could fix the problem that had been plaguing me since I was 13, but from the moment I walked in the door she gave me hope that I would have clear skin and my scarring would be taken care of and she was right! Within the first two weeks my skin cleared up dramatically and by the time two months of treatments and home care was complete I had no blemishes, scarring was minimal, and best of all I was makeup free, not just at night but 24 hours a day! I am going on 8 months of treatment with Tatja and I can tell you that I have never felt better about my skin. If you want the skin you have always hoped for Tatja is the lady to see! She will change your life, just as she has changed mine! 


Caroline Howard – Chico, CA

My 40s brought some distressing changes to my acne and hyper-pigmentation. I tried many different treatments without success. A friend recommended 916Skin Acne Clinic, and I am so grateful for that advice. From my first consultation, I have put total trust in Tatja and her treatments. She is a great listener and patient instructor. I so appreciate the fact that she has designed a plan for my skin that is successful without being overly complicated.

Most importantly, my skin is clear and smooth as a result of her treatment plan. Now in my 50s, when I receive compliments on my skin or those wonderful " you look so young" comments, I feel so grateful to Tatja and her expert care. It is so wonderful to achieve this without needles, surgery or prescriptions. I highly recommend Tatja to anyone and everyone that has acne. She truly cares about her patients and the success of their treatments.


Jennifer Praizler – Chico, CA

916SKIN Acne Clinic has changed my life. I have suffered with cystic acne for over 13 years and have tried everything from over the counter products, antibiotics, blue light treatments, to proactive and nothing worked. I am so glad I found 916SKIN Acne Clinic. I got clear in 6 weeks. Tatja is dedicated to getting you clear. From my first consultation, she examined all the elements causing my acne and customized a plan that really worked. I have remained clear for over a 1 ½ years and feel more confident about myself than I ever have. If you are committed to the program, it will work!


April Burrows - Menlo Park, CA

WOW WOW WOW. All I can say is Tatja at 916SKIN is AMAZING!! She is a total miracle worker. I have suffered from acne all of my life and finally getting it cleared years ago... I started breaking out again. Not to mention my hyperpigmentation from sun damage. I started going to see Tatja at 916SKIN - Acne Clinic after seeing what she did with my sister's skin... UNBELIEVABLE. It was a major transformation. My sister's skin was completely covered with acne, and after starting Tatja's acne program, she has the most beautiful, clear skin I have ever seen. It looks absolutely radiant.

I live in Menlo Park, but decided to make the drive to Chico after seeing the results with my sis. I am still on Tatja’s regimen, and have never gotten more compliments! My acne is totally clear, my skin is more even and smooth, and the overall texture of it has definitely improved. And the best part is she's not even done with me yet!

I have completely put my trust in Tatja, and will continue to do so (and that's not my nature). I am a total skeptic especially when it comes to my face! But I totally trust her and feel very confident in her advice. She is also totally available to me if I have questions or anything, which I greatly appreciate. She is a top notch acne specialist and total pro. Plus, she's warm and friendly and very easy to talk to. Thank you Tatja!


Delia Buzatu – Chico, CA

People don't realize the psychological effects that can be caused from years of suffering from acne, never knowing if you are going to look good from one day to the next. For years I've tried so many different products, but with very little effect. I dreaded going out, meeting people, going to any event where I would have to show my face or have my picture taken. Nothing seemed to work for a long period of time. I finally accepted the fact that I would never have clear, acne free skin. That was, until I met Tatja at 916SKIN – Acne Clinic. From the minute I met her, Tatja was enthusiastic & positive about solving my acne problems. Always encouraging me and always there to answer any questions I had about the acne treatment program.

From day one the acne products felt like they were working, with no irritation to my skin. About two weeks after I started following the regime that was developed for my type of acne, I noticed my skin was starting to look much clearer. After three months my skin is now completely clear. My family & friends can't stop complimenting me on how glowing & natural I look. I used to hate having my picture taken, but now I love it. :-D

Thank you Tatja for helping me achieve a clear beautiful complexion.


Adrianne Austin - Costa Mesa, CA

I have suffered from acne for the past couple years and it’s definitely affected my confidence. Though the majority of my acne wasn’t inflamed, it was deep under the skin and caused my face to look grainy and coarse. My forehead was the worst and so I resorted to having bangs. I was never comfortable wearing my hair back. Meanwhile, my forehead only got worse because I was always touching it. All I ever used was the Target brand face scrub and toner. When that obviously wasn’t working, I started using all natural face cleansing products from Trader Joes. I still had no positive results. When I moved to Chico at the beginning of the summer my mom and I researched dermatologists in the area. We chose 916 Skin simply because we liked what we read on the web site, and the program did not involve taking pills or medication. I have loved 916 Skin because it is all about commitment. Seeing such drastic results in such a short time is a huge encouragement. My summer in Chico has come to a close, and after seeing Tatja for a span of 10 weeks my skin is clear. I can move off to college with confidence and put my acne behind me! I would recommend 916SKIN ACNE CLINIC to anyone and everyone who suffers from acne. Though it takes responsibility and is a big commitment, it is 100% worth it!


Lynsay Wyrauch – Chico, CA

I wanted to share with other acne sufferers out there, that there is help with 916SKIN…Acne, Skin and Wellness Clinic!!! I have had acne for 20 years and after having my first baby it became cystic all over my jaw line…It was so incredibly painful! I met with Tatja 2 years ago for a couple consultations, and began her recommended line of products…6 months later I had clear skin!!!…I’ve met with her every 6 months for a consultation to monitor my progress and products…Tatja is amazing! She really knows what she is doing and has "acne" down to a science…I referred my sister to her as well, who had cystic acne all over her face, and she is now clear after 6 months of using products…If you follow her treatment program as well, which includes facials, procedures in addition to the products, you will see results sooner than 6 months…I am very grateful to Tatja for helping me through the physical and emotional pain of acne!!!


Storey Condos – Nashville, TN

Tatja at 916SKIN Acne Treatment Clinic is an amazing woman. I'll just start there.

I was referred to 916 by my sister who had been struggling with her stubborn acne for years. She had tried SO many different regimens, health plans, and medications with no success. She discovered 916 through a friend, and after only 3 months, the transformation was incredible! Her face was all the proof I needed. I knew I had to check out 916SKIN.

I was a bit hesitant to try out a new skin regimen, as I had tried so many before. It was a taxing process, that ultimately lead to heartbreak as my skin never truly cleared up. I was pleasantly surprised as I arrived at 916 to find that Tatja's clinic was both inviting, and calming. Tatja herself was kind and welcoming. We sat down and discussed the issues I have had with my skin. Shortly after I had my first "treatment" in her soothing spa room. I was not only pampered but I was reassured as Tatja assessed my face and explained to me what was happening and why.

I have been following and using Tatja's prescribed acne program since December 2010 and have seen a huge difference in both the feel and look of my skin. I'm getting married in June, and am so happy that I won’t have to stress over my face. One less thing to worry about. Bottom line... Tatja at 916 Acne, Skin & Wellness Clinic takes care of her clients. She not only understands the medical side to acne and skin care, she understands the emotional side as well. I would and do recommend her to anyone who seeks a solution and care for their skin issues.


Sara Greenwood – Paradise, CA

My name is Sara Greenwood, I started having acne problems in the fifth grade and I am currently in the eleventh. Having acne throughout my teen years was not a happy experience. When I started having acne treatments with 916SKIN I developed a newly found confidence within myself. I became comfortable with my skin with or without makeup. I have tried countless other methods such as Proactive, Neutrogena, Clinique, Lush products and various organic products in hope to put an end to my acne. I suffered from a mix of whiteheads and blackheads with deep acne that was hard to get rid of."

Having the guidance of an Acne Specialist helped me because there was someone who knew exactly what my skin needed. I had been using other products that were great products, just not fit to clear my skin. I have been seeing an Acne Specialist for two and a half years now and I am completely happy with the results. I’ve been clear for about a year and I’m thankful that I kept with my regime and all of the acne products that my Acne Specialist recommended. My skin is clear, soft and radiant. My confidence has boosted. I am all around a happier person. Having clear skin, and being confident in my own skin makes me feel invincible. I can accomplish anything I set my mind to in and out of school. To stay clear I keep using my products and taking care of my skin. My regime is a part of my day to day life. I am so happy that I started seeing and Acne Specialist and I strongly recommend and encourage 916SKIN – Acne Clinic to others looking for a solution to acne with real results.


Robert Tadevich – Pleasanton, CA

My name is Robert Tadevich and I suffered with cystic acne for 9 years. Having acne always made me self-conscious about going out in public. I especially had a hard time with my self-esteem. Acne had become a part of me that I didn’t want, but was forced to accept. I had very big cystic acne all over my face with giant red bumps that looked very unnatural and were impossible to hide.

Trying to get rid of my acne was a struggle. I tried just about every marketed product out there, and they would help a little, but my acne would always come back.

916SKIN - Acne Clinic really helped get my skin back to where it is supposed to be. Tatja came up with a skin care system that worked for me. It got rid of most of my acne within 3 months, and has kept me clear for about 2 years now. Tatja also has methods to deal with acne flair-ups that help get rid of acne fast. Having an acne specialist to guide me was great. She helped motivate me to consistently use my acne products by showing me my skin’s progress along the way.

The 916 Acne Treatment Program helped my life tremendously. I can go out now, without worrying if I have acne on my face, and that is a very good feeling. I highly recommend 916SKIN to anyone with acne, especially those who have tried every possible acne medication out there - without success. 916SKIN works! And it will work for anyone who sticks with it!


Angie Kiju – Sacramento, CA

Let me start by saying I NEVER WRITE REVIEWS, but my skin looks amazing and all thanks to 916SKIN ACNE CLINIC! I had severely inflamed acne since high school, and after trying various different regimens (I can’t even tell you how many I used) I was about to give up, but that was right before I stumbled upon 916SKIN. After going in for just a couple of sessions, I started to see relief from not only my acne, but also my uneven skin tone. My acne scarring has faded over time. The products are nowhere near harsh to my skin. Having the guidance of an acne expert helped me stay on track. I got all the advice I needed on what, how, and when to put the products on my face, as well as nutritional advice to improve my complexion. Tatja is amazingly awesome!!!!!! It took me less than 3 months to become completely clear, and I have been clear for over a year now. I have recommended 916SKIN ACNE CLINIC to my friends and they have loved it too. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend 916SKIN to any and everyone. Thank you so much Tatja!!!


Junho Song – Busan, Korea

I had cystic acne for over 10 years. I was very depressed and self conscious. I couldn’t go anywhere or do anything without people staring at me. While living in Korea I tried everything to treat my acne, but nothing helped. I wanted to find alternative treatment for my acne without prescription medications because they are not good for your health. Then I came to the U.S. as an exchange student and started seeing Tatja at 916SKIN Acne Treatment Clinic. I was not sure if it would work. I just tried to believe in 916 and boom! My acne was gone after 2 months. I suggest believing in Tatja and doing exactly what she says! I am 25 now, and I am very happy because my skin has been clear for over a year. My scarring is gone too. I am back in Korea now and keep using the products to stay clear. I order products every 3 to 4 months. Tatja emails me to make sure I am staying clear and following her instructions. She really cares to know how I am doing. 916SKIN is a miracle!


Kloie Hiemstra – Red Bluff, CA

I got my first breakouts in the 5th grade, and continued to break out more profusely as I got older. At one time, I enjoyed having photos taken of me and being in the spotlight, but with acne, I hated being seen. I was always hiding my face behind my hair and refusing to take pictures. In the car, when passing people, I would put up my hand up to cover the side of my face just in case the driver in the other car might look over. I had never cared what people thought in the past, but with acne, I became incessantly self-conscious, which degraded my self esteem.

I had Grade-IV acne. My skin was inflamed and had many large active pustules with puffy scabbed cheeks. My skin felt hot and irritated, and there were only a few places on my face where unblemished skin was visible. I tried to get rid of my acne with Proactive, AcneFree, Burt's Bees, Neutrogena, and other over the counter products. Prescription acne medications offered no results. Nothing I tried worked. Then, my mother found 916SKIN ACNE CLINIC and we decided to give it a try.

My Acne Treatment Program has been different from anything I have tried in the past. I had a skilled practitioner to guide me through the entire program, which was wonderful. I had, and still have, a routine I have to follow with precise steps and proper products. Tatja Renee, my acne specialist, knew exactly what she was doing, and due to her skills, my diligence, and my mother's dedication – my skin is clear!

The acne program has indeed changed my life. It has made me radiant and confident again. I am so grateful to have my skin back! It took about three months to achieve clear skin. Every step of the way was 110% worth it. I have now been clear for four months. To stay clear I keep up my routine and don't neglect the treatments.

I highly recommend 916SKIN Acne Clinic to anyone seeking a life changing treatment. This has been a wonderful gift for me and I am forever changed. Seriously, just do it!


Tyler Welch – Paradise, CA

When I was in the 6th grade, I was one of the first kids to start getting pimples. Not only did it bother me that I was reaching that teenage stage, but also that my friends were noticing and didn't seem to mind pointing it out. Up until the 8th grade, I put up with pimples, but then I finally reached a point where it mattered to me that I looked good and could have clear skin like my friends did. So I started using SkinID. It worked, but it hurt a lot. I was one of those people who thought that if I felt the pain, then I knew it was working, but for the first 2 months, it hurt so much after I did my routine that I couldn't sleep on my cheeks or touch my face. Eventually my skin just got use to it and it stayed clear, until they changed the formula that I was using and it didn't work anymore. That was a year ago, when I stopped using SkinID, and nothing seemed to work as good as that had. The summer was fine, with only a few break outs here and there, but when I started my junior year with 2 AP classes, an honors class, and Algebra 2, my skin erupted. Literally. I'm not one to wear makeup, at all, but there was not a more painful time when I wished I was able to just cover it all up like the other girls could. The stress at the beginning of the year could seriously swallow anyone whole, and my skin let me know every day just how bad it had gotten. My whole face was red, blotchy and covered in massive zits that stood out like a sore thumb in a crowd and it bothered me to no end. Although I didn't let it ruin any of my days, I needed a change and I was willing to pay anything to make it all better. Finally, my parents and I found a place, near by, that could help and it was 916SKIN Acne Treatment Clinic. I was nervous at first, of course, but once I met Tatja everything went great. She told me all about my skin, things that I didn't already know, and many ways to help it clear up, like with eating habits and such. I told her that my goal was to be clear by February because I needed a photo taken for the newspaper then for an important event in my town that I was taking a part of. That was in September, when I first started going to Tatja, and my skin since then has cleared up completely. It was about December/January when my skin began looking like its old self and since then, I haven't broken out once. To having gone from... extremely bad, to amazingly good in a just a few months before one of the most important events of my life so far, was absolutely phenomenal and totally worth it. I wouldn't have chosen any other place, nor any other method to control my acne and certainly will not stop going to Tatja now that my skin is clear.


Storey Condos of Hot Mess Nashville TN

Thanks 916SKIN Acne Clinic, for helping me feel confident about my skin.


© 2008 – 2024 | 916SKIN - Acne, Skin & Wellness Clinic™ | All Rights Reserved

916SKIN™ – Acne Skin Care Clinic serves Chico, Oroville, Willows, Gridley, Yuba City, Marysville, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada City, Susanville, Tahoe, Red Bluff, Redding, Corning, Napa, Sonoma, Rohnert Park, Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Calistoga, Davis, Berkley, Fairfield, Vacaville, Sacramento, Rocklin, Roseville, Citrus Heights, Gold River, Fair Oaks, Folsom, Arden-Arcade, El Dorado Hills, Eureka, California.